Most families want to enjoy a break from their busy lives where each family member can truly feel relaxed and entertained. But, is this so elusive that it is only for the rich and famous? Can it only be attained through hard earned savings on a week in Disney, a family friendly Caribbean beach resort or cruise? We want to share with you our 4 favorite ways to travel with kids successfully. You can still come home feeling relaxed without breaking the bank.
What were your family vacations like as a kid? I know my growing up years are memories filled with 3 of us kids in the back seat of a large station wagon traveling the entire United States east coast as well as out west. The youngest, on mom’s lap in the front seat or as he got a little older in the middle of my sister and I whining and complaining we were bothering him. Me, frankly, bossing the other two around telling them to be quiet and telling Mom and Dad when they weren’t listening. My middle sister quietly tolerating us in a way I still admire her for. My parents heads backs were to us. Mom held the map unfolded and guided my Dad down Highways and through mountain passes. We were often pulling a pop up camper and then setting up each night and tearing down the next morning and back on the road for more.
None of this was for the faint-hearted in my humble opinion. Yet they are the happiest of memories to all of our family now. Modern society calls it “unplugged.” How we wish it could be this way again, yet dread it at the same time.
1. Baby Steps
For a family with young children, or just unsuccessful scenarios in the past, let’s take our family goals old school. Think less holidays visiting other family or even expensive vacations. We’re talking good planning with a side of baby steps. Think about your family in particular. What are their ages? What are their limitations?

I met a woman once at a Chick- fil-A in Georgia traveling with her autistic son alone. She was determined to go to Florida for a fun filled family getaway just the two of them. This mother soon realized he simply could not handle long drives. Her lovingly planned travels became stops every 2 hours or whenever he needed the break where he could run around and have some fun before being cooped up for some more drive time. Not only her sanity was restored but his as well!
Was this mother unreasonable in her travel strategy? Only parental true love for their child would motivate her to go through what might seem like nails on a chalkboard to most adults. Not worth the effort? Hardly to her! Let’s consider her example and reflect on what kind of trip is a reasonable one for your family to you?
Lodging Food for Thought
- National Parks offer wonderful activities and experiences your family would never forget along with budget friendly accomodations.
- Family Campgrounds such as Jellystone or KOA offer reasonable rates and even cabins if tenting isn’t your style.
- Feeling adventurous? Maybe your curious about renting an RV. Check out this website at Go Rving for more info.
- Talk to other families that travel! They will know because they’ve literally been there and done that. Remember ..baby steps.
2. Prepare for the Journey
Every parent will want to make themselves crazy to be prepared for all things that could possibly come up whether it’s a trip to the grocery store or across the country. What essentials do you need for your family? Here are our must haves.
- Classic road trip strategy is Car games! If they need a break from personal DVD players and headphones, or your’e just not into that anyway, here are some old fashioned fun things to do in the car. Check out our Pinterest board for loads of ideas for hours of fun, Free printables etc. (License plate bingo, I Spy, Quiet books and other travel games..)
- Why the Dollar Store rocks! Before leaving on your vacation, go to the Dollar Store and buy the amount of items per number of days per kids you’ll be in a car with. Wrap them in gift paper (also from dollar store thank you very much!) Each day use these as a reward, a prize to a scavenger hunt, game etc) My Mom used this for our younger years and I happily do as well to this very day. Every kid loves opening a present. Thanks Mom!
- Journaling. As the kids get a little older this an absolutely timeless keepsake. I still have my journal from traveling to South Dakota with my family when I was young. I get tears from laughing so hard at my youthful opinions and impressions. But, I will never forget even the smallest experience thanks to these wonderful memory books. Whether they like to write or not check out our Pinterest boards for great inspiration and encouragement to your child’s creativity in journaling.
3. Allowing Everyone a Choice
Yes, the wallet determines a lot about a destination, but we can still allow everyone some choice in an activity or decision. If you’re destinations itinerary is overloaded this can be easily prevented by allowing everyone a say in some way.
For instance, my 4 year old was with us on a 5 country tour of Europe for his grandparents 50th wedding anniversary trip. Not kid friendly you say? We included carousel rides in Paris, Nice and Italy. Playground fun for an afternoon in Austria and an Alpine slide in Germany. This was definitely not a kids vacation but it became a wonderful version of one that he still remembers.
- Allow each kid to pick a bag to be theirs for the car, to pack (with guidelines of course) what they would like to have in the car for the trip. Give them the responsibility of that bag and what happens to it’s possessions, leaving room for some treasures they will accumulate along the way. Thank you again Dollar Store!
- Be flexible! This will benefit everyone! Whether we are talking about accommodating travel choices or even just bedtimes. Be prepared to bend to the need of your family at that moment. It will save you the stress you really don’t want to end with that day. The next day everyone will feel refreshed and ready for the next days adventure. In the end isn’t that what you’re really after?
4. Eating Out
Traveling with a family is not only daunting it can be downright expensive. Do the research ahead of time. Entertainment destinations are loaded with great family value. They want you there. There will be deals.
- Read the travel blogs, research the tourism websites.. This takes time but will be so worth it.
- Ask when you check in at the desk of your place of accommodations.
- Use the downtime at a local playground on the road to verify your recommendations with a local parent.
- We are big on picnicking. Hit up an Aldi’s or other local grocery store and pack your goodies in a cooler or accessible bag in the car. Everyone’s bellies will be full and on food you personally approve of.
- Inexpensive treats are a fun stop a local ice cream stand, orchard, or farmers market. All of which will leave you with a taste of local flavor and quality family memories.
Whether your version of togetherness is all crammed in an old station wagon pulling a pop up camper like my memories are or not. Whatever your version of togetherness and unplugged is, it will also be the very best of memories for all of you. A priceless heirloom to be passed on and cherished.