Planning Your Dream

I have a freebie for you today!!  Near the end of the article is the link if you want to skip right to it.  But, if you have time lets talk Trip planning!!  Nothing can seem more daunting then hitting the internet and planning that trip you’ve always dreamed about.  It is perfect in your mind but how do you make that perfect trip a reality?

There are some great websites out there that have been proven to be invaluable.  TripAdvisor, Kayak and AirBnB to name a few.  You must decide a few things first.  Is a bus tour for me?  Should I rent a car?  All of this takes time and more time.  Research it.  Read the blogs out there.  Someone somewhere has planned that same trip and has invaluable information that you will be so glad you know when you’re there!

We aren’t the bus group type.  Personally we like to do what we want in the moment. Having your own car gives you that freedom. Is that your style?  If it’s not then the bus tour or tour group is perfect for you!  Visiting a new place can be daunting! A group will give you a reliable resource for seeing all you can in a short amount of time.  If you like the research though you can plan the exact same experience. I promise!!

We have experience and resources that can assist you and customize your dream vacation for YOU.  Tailored to your desires and comfort zone.  Feel free to reach out to us and test out what we can share to help you build that dream vacation into a reality!

In line with that I am offering a free download off my Etsy Shop just by mentioning this blog.  A printable 14 page Travel Planner I designed myself.  I know it can be daunting but this Travel Planner is complete with all the tools you’ll want to plan that dream trip like a pro!  I like to feel organized.  How about you?

Instant download and then print it out, fold it into a book form and punch holes in the side to put in a pretty A5 paper sized binder in your favorite color and your good to go!  Everything you need in one spot! Itinerary charts!  Lodging Essentials! To Do Lists!  Essential packing lists!  Trip Goals!  Everything you need and can check off as you complete it in one spot.  I also threw in 4 pages for journaling those perfect experiences as you experience them.  One download and you can print off as many pages as you want forever.  Good deal right?  I can’t wait to hear how your dreams have become a reality!  You can do it!!  We all need a little help!  Why not use ours?

Here’s the link… Get Your Free Printable Travel Planner Here On My Etsy Shop StrayAdventuresShop.  Don’t forget to contact me (the shop owner :)) that you got it here so it’s free!! 🙂

Directions for printing this instant download are as follows.  Load your printer with 8.5 x 11 printer paper.  IMPORTANT: Print these one page at a time.  Go into your download. Click print and when the printer page opens up click on Print PAGE and type “1” Then click Print.  When its printed turn the paper over and put it back in the printer feeder and go to printer page again on your screen and type Print page 2.  Let it print.  Next is blank paper in your feeder to print page 3 then flip the paper and print page 4.  Next blank paper in the feeder and so on til you’ve printed all pages back to back.  It has to be printed this way to make sense when you’re done.  After all 8 pages are printed pick up the stack of printed Travel Planner pages and fold in half with the Title page on front.  You now have your Travel planner!!  Punch holes in the side and place in your Travel Binder!  You’re good to go!

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